Data Recovery

Data Recovery

Data Backup and Recovery

Your data is the most important thing on your computer!
Be it family photos, financial documents, your music collection, or anything else, losing it is simply not an option.

Unfortunately, computers fail, and more often than you may expect!
Hopefully you have it all backed up? Right? Please tell me you back up your data?…. Don’t worry, you won’t be the first and you won’t be the last to say no.

We know data loss can be a very difficult experience. That’s why we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get your important files back:


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Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm

Our Data Recovery Process

Either click on one of the “Book a Repair” buttons on this site to book in your device online, or call us to book an appointment. Once you have dropped in your device we will carry out the following

Data recovery

What is Data Recovery?
Data Recovery
Data Recovery is the process of retrieving data from a device or hardware that is no longer
functioning, has been damaged, or where the information has become corrupt, deleted or
is no longer accessible.
Will Data Recovery fix the device?
Data Recovery does not restore the device to its original functionality or repair it for future
use. Any fixes to the hardware that do occur during the process are only deemed to be
temporary to allow the data to be recovered.
Operating systems and software
Due to licensing laws the Data recovery process will not recover or restore operating
systems or installed software.
Warranty implications
Please be aware that the recovery process may void any vendor or third party warranties
on the device. Please contact the warranty provider prior to sending the recovery to us if
you believe this needs to be preserved.
Turnaround times
The recovery time will depend on the severity of the data loss. Especially if the recovery
falls under the Advanced or Advanced Plus service, where it will require additional work
such as opening the drive and replacing the faulty parts. It is commercially in our interest
to firstly be successful and secondly as quickly as possible, however some techniques will
take time and cannot be rushed.

Products we cover
We recover data from all data bearing devices.
These include:
 Laptops
 PCs
 Macs
 Tablets / iPads
 Servers / RAID /NAS
 Mobile phones / iPhones
 SD cards / Micro SD/ Memory cards
 USB memory sticks
 Internal and external HDD
 Internal and External SSD
 CDs / DVDs
Please feel free to contact us if you have a device that we have not listed.

We would like to highlight clicking or ticking HDD’s as we are seeing more that seem to have been evaluated prior to coming into the lab.

For the best chance of recovery we would suggest sending them straight to us without powering them up, especially if the customer says the drive has been dropped and or is making a funny noise. Basically the less time the drive is making that sound the more chance of recovery we have. There are faults that can manifest themselves as clicking heads that don’t require advanced or advanced plus but the majority probably will.

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