Hardware Upgrades

Hardware Upgrades

Want your computer to be faster? Put faster parts in it!

That’s the simple answer to a question we get asked a lot, but some parts aren’t cheap, so the key is know what upgrades will give the best gains.

When you bought your new Computer, it may have been the best available, but six months later there was already a computer better and faster on the market.
We can help you keep up with rapidly changing technology by performing simple, cost effective upgrades to your existing computer.


The RAM (random access memory) is the computers short term memory, where it stores information it is working with. The more RAM it has, the easier it can perform more tasks simultaneously and run faster in the background, without having to write or read stuff to the hard disk (a slower process).

Hard drive

The hard drive is the computers long term memory, and is where all your program files, documents, data, and operating system is located. When the computer is switched off, this data is still there ready to be recalled when the PC is next switched on. Hard drives can be swapped for a faster model with a larger storage capacity. With a larger hard drive, you can store more data, we can even install more than one hard drive in a desktop computer if you need more storage.


SSD's are the digital version of a hard drive - It allows long term storage on memory chips, meaning almost instant transfer times of data! Typical startup times of 15 seconds are possible with an SSD as they are 10X faster than a standard Hard drive. This is one of our favourite upgrades and transforms any PC.


The brain of the computer, the CPU does all the calculations to process the data you are working with. It's speed is usually measured in GHz, and we can analyse your motherboard and suggest a compatible CPU upgrade to speed up your PC.

Video card

Graphics processing units, or video cards, are for computers with demanding image processing requirements such as video games and 3-D rendering software. A better video card can boost the graphics processing ability, allowing you to play the latest games or use your computer as a for high end computing applications such as photo or video editing.

Video card

Graphics processing units, or video cards, are for computers with demanding image processing requirements such as video games and 3-D rendering software. A better video card can boost the graphics processing ability, allowing you to play the latest games or use your computer as a for high end computing applications such as photo or video editing.

There may be other upgrades that we can suggest for your specific requirements, we always suggest booking your PC in for us to assess your current hardware configuration and specification, then we can advise how it can be improved upon.

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